Live Revision Session for AAT Level 4 Synoptic Assessment
We are happy to announce that we will hold a live revision session through Facebook Live on AAT Level 4 Synoptic Assessment. The session will cover useful tips and recommendations to pass the Assessment. The session will be conducted by Ms Andrea Taylor and Mr Mansur Shohag, FCCA
Guidelines to Join:
It is recommended that you use a Windows Computer/Laptop. When you are joining the class for the first time, the browser may prompt you several times, each time please ensure you click on Allow/Always allow/Approve/OK. Please do not block the pop up. Otherwise you will have issues joining the class. It is recommended that you use Chrome Browser. You would see a new window once you click the link below, where you would enter your name and choose the option ‘enter as a guest’, then you would be taken to the live classroom, where you can interact with your teacher and other students. While in the live class , if there is any issue, let the tutor know.
If you are having issues like you cant hear teacher’s voice or cant see the teachers window clearly during the live class, you may leave the class and rejoin. If issues are still not resolved, you may restart your computer. It is recommended that you are connected to the internet by cable, otherwise, please ensure you have strong signal on WiFi.
Last thing, please respect other students and the teacher while in the live class. Please refrain from making any defamatory or insulting remarks to the other students or teacher. You may be removed from the live class if you are not compliant.
AAT Level 4 Revision Session - 27/04/18 - Recording and Files
Please click on the link below to access the recording.